Tax revolt can lead to sequestration, conviction
11 Mar 2019
BY Peter Dachs
Over the past few years, there has been discussion about a "tax revolt" in SA.
New light on Anton Pillar
11 Mar 2019
BY Gaelyn Scott
Ruling in appeal may make incorrect orders less likely
Non-employers may approach the Labour Court for interdictory relief against unregistered trade unions
07 Mar 2019
BY Brian Patterson , Audrey Johnson AND Shivani Moodley
The South African Labour Court recently grappled with the issue of its jurisdiction to grant interdictory relief against a trade union where the entity seeking the relief is not the employer of the trade union’s members.
International Comparative Legal Guide to Mergers & Acquisitions
06 Mar 2019
BY Michael Katz AND Matthew Morrison
2019 | South Africa
Apples and pears, beers and confusion
05 Mar 2019
BY Gaelyn Scott
Are the two trade marks confusingly similar? It’s the question that’s most commonly asked in trade mark law. The issue of confusion can arise in the context of registration: should the trade mark be registered in the face of the earlier trade mark?
Cloud outsource directive and guidance note issued by the South African Reserve Bank
05 Mar 2019
BY Isaivan Naidoo
Cloud computing and offshoring of data is no longer a taboo among banks. It is becoming a necessity and is the current definitive trend.
Eavesdropping: the privacy myth
05 Mar 2019
BY Wilmari Strachan AND Jessica Steele
The pervasiveness of the Internet of Things has spawned a recent fear that the devices are listening to the conversations of their users
Expanding your data governance policies to accommodate drone data
05 Mar 2019
One of the primary functions of using drones is to capture, store and transmit data. While this kind of innovation is incredibly exciting, the legal and broader implications of using drones should not be underestimated.
High Court overturns practice of appointment of arbitrators
05 Mar 2019
BY Phillip Karugaba
Every so often, a judgment is passed that upsets settled ways of doing business. When the hue and cry has hushed, upon closer and sober examination, it is often discovered that the old way of doing business was indeed wrong thus a new era is born.
Peek-a-boo, I see you: privacy concerns around digital rights management and monitoring tools
05 Mar 2019
The use of digital rights management may give rise to a number of legal issues when not used correctly.
The double Big Mac attack
05 Mar 2019
BY Delene Bertasso
The Big Mac case shines a spotlight on some important aspects of trade mark law.
The importance of having a social media manager
05 Mar 2019
BY Ridwaan Boda
Every business can benefit from having an experienced person handling their social media needs. Neglecting this responsibility can lead to the brand being damaged or misrepresented.
Valentine’s Day: not a great deal of romance
05 Mar 2019
BY Gerard du Toit
Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but from a trade mark point of view, it’s been anything but romantic. As the following stories indicate, the world of trade marks has done little to set hearts aflutter.
Precautionary suspension: do employees have the right to make representations?
26 Feb 2019
Must an employer give the employee a chance to make representations on why he or she should not to be suspended, prior to a decision being taken in this regard
Undue delay in prosecuting review applications: a cautionary tale
26 Feb 2019
Delaying the prosecution of a review application can carry the risk of a court refusing to hear the application