Uganda: Legal alert on the Public Health (Control of COVID-19) No. 2 (Amendment No. 2) Rules, 2020
The Ministry of Health has passed a new statutory instrument in response to the COVID-19 pandemic named the Public Health (Control of COVID-19) No. 2 (Amendment No. 2) Rules, 2020 (the “Rules”) which amend the Public Health (Control of COVID-19) No. 2 Rules, 2020 to operationalise the directives issued by the president in his address to the nation on 4 May 2020. The Rules provide for the following:
- Extend the duration of the lockdown in Uganda from 5 May 2020 to 19 May 2020;
- Require every person to wear a face mask at all times while outside their place of residence; and
- Ease the time restrictions on motorcycle road users allowing them to operate until 17H00, up from the previous 14H00.
The Rules have also eased restrictions on the closure of certain premises, movement and operation of services subject to the following conditions;
- Exempt legal services under the Uganda Law Society from the prohibition on driving motor vehicles on any road in Uganda during the lockdown period for up to 30 vehicles on any given day;
- Factories and construction sites are allowed to operate provided they accommodate their employees at the factory or construction site, and prohibit the employees from leaving the site until 19 May 2020;
- Lift the previous directive on closure of hardware shops, motor repair garages and workshops and also allow carpentries, wood workshops and metal fabricators to operate;
- Restaurants are allowed to operate but only to offer takeaway services; and
- Insurance services are allowed to operate.
The penalty for noncompliance remains under the Public Health (Control of COVID 19) (No. 2) Rules, 2020. Any person in contravention may be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months.
Phillip Karugaba
Head of ENSafrica Advocates | Uganda
+256 772 785 332
Tracy Kakongi
Associate | Uganda
+256 784 343 336